XOTcl - Publications

[What is XOTcl?]

Non-scientific readings:

Papers about XOTcl and XOTcl applications:

The basic ideas and concepts behind XOTcl are described in more detail in several papers; while the older papers describe more the principles of XOTcl programming, the newer one present applications based on XOTcl.

  • Gustaf Neumann, Stefan Sobernig: An Overview of the Next Scripting Toolkit, in: Proceedings of the the 18th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference, Manassas, Virginia, USA, November, 2011 . [BibTex, pdf]
  • Gustaf Neumann, Stefan Sobernig: An Overview of the Next Scripting Toolkit, presented at: Presented at the 18th Annual Tcl/Tk Conference, Manassas, Virginia, October, 2011 . [BibTex, pdf]
  • S. Sobernig, P. Gaubatz, M. Strembeck, U. Zdun: Comparing Complexity of API Designs: An Exploratory Experiment on DSL-based Framework Integration, in: Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE), ACM, Portland, Oregon, USA, October, 2011 . [BibTex, postscript, pdf]
  • Gustaf Neumann, Stefan Sobernig: XOTcl 2.0 - A Ten-Year Retrospective and Outlook, in: Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Tcl/Tk Conference, Portland, Oregon, October, 2009 . [BibTex, postscript, pdf]
  • Gustaf Neumann, Stefan Sobernig: XOTcl 2.0 - A Ten-Year Retrospective and Outlook, presented at: Sixteenth Annual Tcl/Tk Conference, Portland, Oregon, October, 2009 . [BibTex, postscript, pdf]
  • Franz Wirl: A Business Rule Management System based on the high-level object oriented scripting language XOTcl, presented at: EuroTcl, Seventh European Tcl/Tk User Meeting, Strasbourg, France, June, 2008 . [BibTex]
  • Stefan Sobernig: A Gentle Introduction to XOTcl SOAP, Tutorial at the 6th International OpenACS and DotLRN Conference: International Conference and Workshops on Community Based Environments, Antigua, Guatemala, 2008 . [BibTex, postscript, pdf, recording]
  • Gustaf Neumann, Stefan Sobernig: XOTcl for OpenACS: An Introduction to XOTcl and the basic infrastructure of xotcl-core, Tutorial at the International OpenACS and DotLRN Conference: International Conference and Workshops on Community Based Environments, Antigua, Guatemala, 2008 . [BibTex, postscript, pdf]
  • Gustaf Neumann, Stefan Sobernig: Learning XoWiki: A Tutorial to the XoWiki Toolkit, Tutorial at the International OpenACS and DotLRN Conference: International Conference and Workshops on Community Based Environments, Antigua, Guatemala, 2008 . [BibTex, postscript, pdf]
  • Gustaf Neumann: Development the OO-Framework for OpenACS: Improving Scalability and Applicability, presented at: International OpenACS and DotLRN Conference: International Conference and Workshops on Community Based Environments, Antigua, Guatemala, February, 2008 . [BibTex, postscript, pdf]
  • U. Zdun, M. Strembeck, G. Neumann: Object-Based and Class-Based Composition of Transitive Mixins, Information and Software Technology, 49(8) 2007 . [BibTex, postscript, pdf]
  • Gustaf Neumann: XoWiki - Towards a Generic Tool for Web 2.0 Applications and Social Software, presented at: OpenACS and .LRN Spring Conference, International Conference and Workshops on Community Based Environments, Vienna, April, 2007 . [BibTex, pdf, recording]
  • Gustaf Neumann: XoWiki, An Experiment for an XOTcl based Content Management Infrastructure, presented at: OpenACS Workshop, OpenACS Workshop, Harvard, MA, November, 2006 . [BibTex, postscript, pdf]
  • Neophytos Demetriou and Stefan Koch and Gustaf Neumann: The Development of the OpenACS Community, in: Miltiadis Lytra and Ambjörn Naeve (ed) , Open Source for Knowledge and Learning Management: Strategies Beyond Tools, Idea Group Publishing, 2006 . [BibTex, postscript, pdf]
  • M. Strembeck and U. Zdun: Definition of an Aspect-Oriented DSL using a Dynamic Programming Language, in: Proc. of the Workshop on Open and Dynamic Aspect Languages, Bonn, Germany, March, 2006 . [BibTex, postscript, pdf]
  • M. Strembeck: A Role Engineering Tool for Role-Based Access Control, in: Proc. of the Symposium on Requirements Engineering for Information Security (SREIS), Paris, France, August, 2005 . [BibTex, postscript, pdf]
  • M. Strembeck, U. Zdun: Scenario-based Component Testing Using Embedded Metadata, in: Proc. of the Workshop on Testing of Component-based Systems (TECOS), Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Erfurt, Germany, September, 2004 . [BibTex, postscript, pdf]
  • U. Zdun: Loosely coupled web services in remote object federations, in: Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2004), Munich, Germany, July, 2004 . [BibTex, postscript, pdf]
  • U. Zdun: Semantic lookup in service-oriented architectures, in: Proceedings of Fourth International Workshop on Web-Oriented Software Technologies, Munich, Germany, July, 2004 . [BibTex, postscript, pdf]
  • U. Zdun: Pattern language for the design of aspect languages and aspect composition frameworks, IEE Proceedings Software, 151(2) 2004 . [BibTex, postscript, pdf]
  • M. Strembeck: Conflict Checking of Separation of Duty Constraints in RBAC - Implementation Experiences, in: Proc. of the Conference on Software Engineering (SE2004), Innsbruck, Austria, February, 2004 . [BibTex, postscript, pdf]
  • S. Guth, G. Neumann, M. Strembeck: Experiences with the Enforcement of Access Rights Extracted from ODRL-based Digital Contracts, in: Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Digital Rights Management (DRM), October, 2003 . [BibTex, postscript, pdf]
  • S. Guth: Rights Expression Languages: Characteristics and Application, presented at: University of Twente/Netherlands, September, 2003 . [BibTex, postscript, pdf]
  • G. Alberer, P. Alberer, T. Enzi, G. Ernst, K. Mayrhofer, G. Neumann, R. Rieder, B. Simon: The Learn@WU Learning Environment, in: Proceedings of Wirtschaftsinformatik 2003 , 6th International Conference on Business Informatics, Dresden, Germany, September, 2003 . [BibTex, postscript, pdf]
  • G. Neumann and M. Strembeck: An Approach to Engineer and Enforce Context Constraints in an RBAC Environment, in: Proc. of 8th ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies (SACMAT), Como, Italy, June, 2003 . [BibTex, postscript, pdf]
  • C. Letondal and U. Zdun: Anticipating scientific software evolution as a combined technological and design approach, in: Proceedings of Second International Workshop on Unanticipated Software Evolution, Warsaw, Poland, April, 2003 . [BibTex, postscript, pdf]
  • U. Zdun: Using structure and dependency tracing patterns for aspect composition, in: Proceedings of 3rd Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Software Development, Essen, Germany, March, 2003 . [BibTex, postscript, pdf]
  • G. Neumann, M. Strembeck, U. Zdun: Using Runtime Introspectible Metadata to Integrate Requirement Traces and Design Traces in Software Components, in: Proc. of ECOOP Workshop on Unanticipated Software Evolution (USE), Malaga, Spain, June, 2002 . [BibTex, postscript, pdf]
  • G. Neumann, M. Strembeck: Design and Implementation of a Flexible RBAC-Service in an Object-Oriented Scripting Language, in: Proc. of the 8th ACM Conference on Computer and Communication Security (CCS), Philadelphia, USA, November, 2001 . [BibTex, postscript, pdf]
  • M. Goedicke, G. Neumann, U. Zdun: Message Redirector, in: Proceedings of EuroPloP 2001, Sixth European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, Irsee, Germany, July, 2001 . [BibTex, postscript, pdf]
  • G. Neumann, U. Zdun: XOTcl @ Work, in: Tutorial at 2nd European Tcl User Meeting, June 8-9, Hamburg, Germany, June, 2001 . [BibTex, postscript, pdf]
  • G. Neumann, U. Zdun: Distributed Web Application Development with Active Web Objects, in: Proceedings of Internet Computing 2001, The 2nd International Conference on Internet Computing, Las Vegas, USA, June, 2001 . [BibTex, postscript, pdf]
  • R. Klapsing, G. Neumann, W. Conen: Semantics in Web Engineering: Applying the Resource Description Framework, IEEE MultiMedia, 8(2) 2001 . [BibTex, pdf]
  • G. Neumann, U. Zdun: High-Level Design and Architecture of an HTTP-Based Infrastructure for Web Applications, World Wide Web Journal, 3(1) 2000 . [BibTex, postscript, pdf]
  • M. Goedicke, G. Neumann, U. Zdun: Design and Implementation Constructs for the Development of Flexible, Component-Oriented Software Architectures, in: Proceedings of GCSE 2000, Second International Symposium on Generative and Component-Based Software Engineering, Erfurt,Germany, October, 2000 . [BibTex, postscript, pdf]
  • M. Goedicke, G. Neumann, U. Zdun: Object System Layer, in: Proceedings of EuroPlop 2000, Irsee, Germany, July, 2000 . [BibTex, postscript, pdf]
  • G. Neumann, U. Zdun: Towards the Usage of Dynamic Object Aggregation as a Foundation for Composition, in: Proceedings of Symposium of Applied Computing (SAC`00), Como, Italy, March, 2000 . [BibTex, postscript, pdf]
  • G. Neumann, U. Zdun: XOTcl, an Object-Oriented Scripting Language, in: Proceedings of Tcl2k: The 7th USENIX Tcl/Tk Conference, Austin, Texas, USA, February, 2000 . [BibTex, postscript, pdf]
  • G. Neumann, U. Zdun: Enhancing Object-Based System Composition through Per-Object Mixins, in: Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC), Takamatsu, Japan, December, 1999 . [BibTex, postscript, pdf]
  • G. Neumann, U. Zdun: Implementing Object-Specific Design Patterns Using Per-Object Mixins, in: Proceedings of NOSA`99, Second Nordic Workshop on Software Architecture, Ronneby, Sweden, August, 1999 . [BibTex, postscript, pdf]
  • G. Neumann, U. Zdun: Filters as a Language Support for Design Patterns in Object-Oriented Scripting Languages, in: Proceedings of COOTS, San Diego, California, USA, May, 1999 . [BibTex, postscript, pdf]
  • E. Köppen, G. Neumann, S. Nusser: Cineast -- An Extensible Web Browser, in: Proc. of the WebNet 1997 World Conference on WWW, Internet and Intranet, Toronto, Canada, November, 1997 . [BibTex, postscript, pdf]
XOTcl is based on OTcl from the MIT. The white-paper by D. Wetherall and C. Lindblad on OTcl can be found at ftp://ftp.tns.lcs.mit.edu/pub/otcl/doc/otcl-paper.ps.gz. OTcl is now maintained by the folks at the Information Sciences Institute an can be downloaded from here.
Uwe Zdun
Gustaf Neumann
   Last Change: Tue Oct 22 00:02:20 CEST 2024